Is using a hand held mobile phone a primary offense?
Yes. In Washington State you can be stopped just for using your cell phone hand held. (which means holding up against your ear) Sometimes these stops will lead to more serious charges such as DUI’s. Using your cell phone “hands-free” is currently not prohibited.
Do I testify at the DOL Hearing?
Probably not. Unless it is a refusal case I do not normally have my client testify at the Department of Licensing (DOL) administrative hearing. Usually, the client’s testimony will not make any difference.
DUI Probation Violations – What is a Review or Show Cause Hearing?
A Review/Revocation or Show Cause Hearing (courts vary in what they call hearing) is set when you do not comply with the terms of your probation. (a probation violation) For example, you were ordered to get an alcohol/drug evaluation and follow the treatment recommendation; you complete the evaluation but drop out of treatment; you do not complete the DUI Victims Panel; you do not do your work crew etc. The Court will order a Show Cause or Review/Revocation Hearing for you to explain what happened. You can deny violation present evidence and argument that you are in compliance.
You can admit with explanation . If you admit or are found by the Court to have committed the violation (after denying it) the Court may impose Sanctions. The Sanctions may include revoking any Jail or Fines that were suspended. (For example, the Court revokes 2 days jail and $200 of the fines and orders you to get back into treatment.) The Court will also in most cases order you back to Probation if you were on active probation. (see this blog for difference) It is a good idea to have an attorney at the hearing – expecially if you are in violaiton.
Are you required to appear at your DUI Court Hearings in Washington State?
Yes. Unlike some States where your attorney can appear for you for some hearings – in Washington you are required to appear at all DUI Court Hearings. However, in exceptional cases the Court may waive your appearance for some hearings.
What’s the difference between “active” probation and compliance?
Active probation is where you are ordered to report to probation. You will have to meet with a probation officer of the specific Court on a regular basis. (typically monthly – the frequency of meetings really depend on the Court) Probation is the Court’s “eyes” so to speak to ensure that you timely comply with conditions and obligations of your sentence. Active probation tends to be quite costly. In non-active probation or Sentence Compliance as some Courts call it; you are not assigned a probation officer and do not have to contact probation. The Court Clerk essentially monitors the case. In most DUI cases or reductions where no treatment is ordered your case will most likely be placed on non-active or sentence compliance.
Can I do a second deferred prosecution for my DUI?
No. Unfornuately, with DUI’s you are limited to one (1) deferred prosecution in your lifetime. So even if you did a deferred prosecution – when more than one was allowed – you will still not be eligible.
Can I do a payment plan for my DUI attorney fee?
Yes. Kotlowski Law Office PLLC offers very flexible down payments and monthly payment plans for your DUI attorney fee. Down payments may start as low as $1000.00. Ty pical monthly payments range from $200.00 to $500.00. See Online Case Evaluation or simply call and/or text 24 hours a day to (206) 335-2422 to schedule a free consultation with DUI attorney James Kotlowski. If not answered immediately, our office will return your text/call/and/or email as soon as we can.
Why was a Court Hearing set in my old DUI case?
Generally, it is when you violate the conditions of your DUI or Physical Control probation. The same would apply even if you received a reduction to Reckless or Negligent Driving. The sentencing Court will set conditions of your probation such as the following at Sentencing:
Complete an alcohol/drug evaluation and follow recommendation, pay all Court fines and costs, report to probation, not drive a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance, no driving with breath or blood alcohol concentration of .08 or greater, no refusal of alcohol test of breath or blood upon reasonable request of a law enforcement, no new criminal violations of law, no alcohol or drug related infractions and Ignition interlock device requirements per DOL.
The most common DUI probation violations: new criminal law violations, failure to do treatment, failure to do victims panel, failure to report to probation, driving without a valid license/insurance and positive UA’s, among many others.
You should always consult with a DUI attorney before going to the Court Hearing. It is usually a good idea to have an attorney with you.
What happens at the first DUI Court appearance in Washington?
The first Court appearance in a DUI case is called arraignment. It is when DUI charges are formally filed against you. At your DUI Arraignment Court Hearing the Judge or prosecutor will go over basic information about you (full name/date of birth – want to make sure got right person) and your legal constitutional rights at DUI Arraignment (some Courts will have a form that you will sign and submit to the Court – right to speedy trial, jury trial, presumption of innocence etc..)
Your attorney will then (1) acknowledge receipt of the DUI complaint from the prosecutor, (2) waive any formal reading of the DUI complaint/charge in open Court and (3) enter a not guilty plea to the Court on your behalf. The Judge will then determine if there was probable cause (PC) for the stop/arrest (by reviewing police report) which can always be challenged in a later Motions Hearing. (judge must find PC at arraignment to set below conditions of release)
The Judge will then proceed to set conditions of your release pending the outcome of your case and this may include fairly Standard DUI Condition s such as:
- Not operating a motor vehicle without a valid license or insurance;
- No refusal of a breath/blood/drug test upon reasonable request of law enforcement officer;
- No new criminal law violations or alcohol-related infractions;
- No consumption of alcohol, THC, controlled substances or non-prescribed medications;
- No driving with a BAC over .08 within two hours after driving;
- Appear for all scheduled court dates;
- Report any change of address to the court.
The conditions ultimately set depend on your prior driving/criminal history and the specific facts (i.e. breath test reading, driving, accident) of your case. The concern is whether or not you are a threat to the community (i.e. will continue to drink and drive) or you are a flight risk (not likely to show up for court). The Court can also impose additional conditions to minimize and/or mitigate your potential threat to the community or to secure your appearance such as: Requiring the IID (ignition interlock device) on any and all vehicles you may drive; Impose EHM (electronic home monitoring – house arrest); Impose Scram (alcohol monitoring device); Set Bail ($500.00+);You are typically before the Judge for only a few minutes. Although, you may spend awhile waiting for your turn. Every Court has different procedures. However, most will take those defendants with a private attorney first. -
Why does my DUI case keep getting continued or postponed?
This is a common client question. Typically, I will have 3-6 DUI pre-trial hearings continuances or postponements in every DUI case. You show up at Court and sign a speedy trial waiver and receive a Court date. You will appear before the Judge for a only few minutes and he/she will typically ask you if you understand the speedy trial waiver you signed and reviewed with your attorney. The Courtroom Clerk will then give you a new court date. (typically 30-60 days depending on the Court).
There are many reasons for setting it over by your DUI attorney. Including interviewing lay witnesses, interviewing officers or troopers, visiting the scene of the DUI arrest and/or field sobriety tests, reviewing the breath test or blood records, reviewing client medical/mental health records, reviewing client vehicle records, requesting/reviewing other DUI reports from officer, reviewing the in-car/breath test room videos, taking photographs of the arrest scene or FST locations, reviewing the police report/videos with client, securing a breath test and negotiating with the prosecutor – among many others.
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- Vacate Reckless Driving
- Vacate Negligent Driving
- Expunge Record
- Alcohol Drug Evaluation
- DOL Hearing
- Deferred Prosecution
- Breath Test Room
- Seattle Municipal Court
- Driver's license status
- Probation
- Sentencing
- Jail
- Boating Under the Influence (BUI)
- Boating Offenses
- Cell Phone
- 60 days
- Prescription DUI
- Court Process
- 20-Day Rule
- Plea Bargain
- Reckless Driving
- Negligent Driving
- Reckless Endangerment
- Criminal History (DCH)
- arraignment
- conditions of release
- Driver Record (ADR)
- Alcohol Drug Information School (ADIS)
- DUI Victim's Panel
- Speedy Trial Waiver
- Probable Cause to Stop
- PBT (portable breath test)
- Impound vehicle
- Mental Problems Deferred Prosecution
- 30-day DUI Probation Violations
- Restricted License
- DUI Probation Violation
- Snohomish County Jail
- Quash Warrant
- Breath Test
- Dräger Alcotest 9510
- Occupational Restricted License
- Warrrants
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- DUI Punishment
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- Felony DUI
- No Consumption
- DUI Conditions of Release
- Judge
- Affidavit of Prejudice
- Ignition Interlock License
- Vacate DUI
- Waive appearance
- DUI Attorney
- Physical Control
- Ignition Interlock Device (IID)
- Appeal
- DOL Subpoenas
- Field Sobriety Tests
- DUI Jails
- Probable Cause to Arrest
- Bail
- Online DUI Case Evaluation
- Treatment
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- Immigration flag
- Traffic infractions
- Court Costs
- Practical Tips
- Blood test
- Administrative Hearing
- Continuance
- Immigration
- Probation Violations
- Jurisdiction
- Date of Discharge
- 30 day suspension
- Minimum Treatment DUI
- Quashing Warrants
- Arraignment First Offense
- DOL License Express
- Canada
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