How long will I need the ignition interlock device on a DUI conviction?
It totally depends on your previous IID history as result of DUI/Physical Control convictions. If it is your first DUI, you will be required to have the Ignition Interlock Device (IID) for one (1) Year. If you have one prior IID, the time period will be five (5) years. If you have had the IID twice previously, it will be ten (10) years.
Can I go to Canada with a DUI that has not been filed yet?
Yes, If you have no other criminal history and the DUI has yet to be filed you should be okay. However, the caveat is if you have a Washington State License suspension or revocation because of the DUI arrest – you may be denied entry.
How do I quash my Warrant in King County District Court?
Most King County District Court locations have a Warrant calendar. You can appear at any King County District Court location to inquire about the next available warrant recall calendar or call King County District Court 206-205-9200. Depending on your eligibility you may be permitted to sign up for a bench warrant calendar in person, via email or phone. To sign up for a bench warrant calendar in person you must appear no less than two (2) hours before the scheduled daily bench warrant calendar. To sign up for a bench warrant calendar via phone or email you must contact the court to schedule a hearing no later than close of business on the weekday preceding the date of the hearing.
See link for schedule. https://www.kingcounty.gov/courts/district-court/citations-or-tickets/warrant-information.aspx
Can I get my Washington State Driver’s Record online?
Yes. Cost is $13.00 and you should request the complete record. See link and follow instructions: https://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/checkstatus.html
How do I check my Washington Drivers License Status?
You can check online at the following link: https://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/checkstatus.html
Can I get my Washington Drivers License online after a suspension?
Yes. In most cases you should be able to do so online. You will need to set up an account at License Express. Then follow the instructions. See link: https://www.dol.wa.gov/licenseexpress.html
What are typical DUI conditions of release for a “first” time DUI?
Typical Conditions for a 1st time DUI offense are as follows: Not operating a motor vehicle without a valid license or insurance; No refusal of a breath/blood/drug test upon reasonable request of law enforcement officer; No new criminal law violations or alcohol-related infractions; No consumption of alcohol, THC, controlled substances or non-prescribed medications; No driving with a BAC over .08 within two hours after driving; Appear for all scheduled court dates; Report any change of address to the Court.
What do I need to complete my alcohol drug evaluation?
The evaluator will need the following to complete the evaluation: (1) abstract of driving record (ADR), (2) defendant’s criminal history (DCH) and a (3) copy of the police report. You will also be required to do a urinalysis (UA) with the evaluation. Cost is typically $150-$250 for the evaluation and UA.
How much does an Anti-Harassment case cost?
Kotlowski Law Office PLLC charges a flat fee of $2500 for civil anti-harassment cases either defending or petitioning subject to some restrictions.
Can I get a continuance of my DOL Hearing?
Yes. You can get one (1) continuance or postponement of your Department of Licensing (DOL) DUI Hearing. You must request it at least two (2) business days before the hearing. Call the number on your DOL Hearing notice.
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- Vacate Reckless Driving
- Vacate Negligent Driving
- Expunge Record
- Alcohol Drug Evaluation
- DOL Hearing
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- Breath Test Room
- Seattle Municipal Court
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- Boating Under the Influence (BUI)
- Boating Offenses
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- 60 days
- Prescription DUI
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- Reckless Driving
- Negligent Driving
- Reckless Endangerment
- Criminal History (DCH)
- arraignment
- conditions of release
- Driver Record (ADR)
- Alcohol Drug Information School (ADIS)
- DUI Victim's Panel
- Speedy Trial Waiver
- Probable Cause to Stop
- PBT (portable breath test)
- Impound vehicle
- Mental Problems Deferred Prosecution
- 30-day DUI Probation Violations
- Restricted License
- DUI Probation Violation
- Snohomish County Jail
- Quash Warrant
- Breath Test
- Dräger Alcotest 9510
- Occupational Restricted License
- Warrrants
- Day Reporting
- DUI Punishment
- Checkpoints
- Felony DUI
- No Consumption
- DUI Conditions of Release
- Judge
- Affidavit of Prejudice
- Ignition Interlock License
- Vacate DUI
- Waive appearance
- DUI Attorney
- Physical Control
- Ignition Interlock Device (IID)
- Appeal
- DOL Subpoenas
- Field Sobriety Tests
- DUI Jails
- Probable Cause to Arrest
- Bail
- Online DUI Case Evaluation
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- Rent Car
- Immigration flag
- Traffic infractions
- Court Costs
- Practical Tips
- Blood test
- Administrative Hearing
- Continuance
- Immigration
- Probation Violations
- Jurisdiction
- Date of Discharge
- 30 day suspension
- Minimum Treatment DUI
- Quashing Warrants
- Arraignment First Offense
- DOL License Express
- Canada
- Travel to Canada