Do the “mandatory” DUI 30-day probation “violations” apply to reductions?
No. They do not and should not. (see 46.61.5055 (11)(b)) Although, I have seen some Judges incorrectly believe they apply to all DUI’s and reductions to Negligent Driving and/or Reckless Driving in Washington State. -
How long is SR-22 Insurance for a DUI or Physical Control conviction?
You will be required to have SR-22 Insurance for 3 years on a Physical Control conviction in Washington State. This is also the same for DUI and Reckless Driving convictions.
Do I need to get the Deferred Prosecution Petition into the Court beforehand?
Yes. In most cases, the Judge (and prosecutor) would like the opportunity to review a Petition for Deferred Prosecution and accompanying documents on a DUI charge before your Court appearance. Some Courts by local Court rule even mandate a specific time period. The most common is 7-14 days before the Court date. Regardless of a Court rule, it is always a good practice to do so. Otherwise, if it is a busy Court calender you will be asked to continue the hearing.
Can I still drive if I lose my DUI Department of Licensing Hearing?
Yes, In most cases in Washington State, you can apply for an Ignition Interlock License (IIL) and drive for the duration of the suspension or revocation with an ignition interlock device in your vehicle . (unless you have a suspension or revocation for unrelated reasons)
See link and follow instructions. Apply for Ignition Interlock License (IIL)
How many days in advance do I have to subpoena officer for the DOL Hearing?
Ten (10) business days is the requirement not including the day of service. The subpoena must be signed by a Department of Licensing (DOL) Hearing Officer and accompanied by the witness fee check. See link for form. DOL Subpoena
Is a Deferred Prosecution recorded as a conviction?
No. If you do a Deferred Prosecution for a DUI or Physical Control in Washington State it is not a conviction at any pont. (unlike a deferred sentence). However, the Deferred Prosecution does remain in the Court and Department of Licensing (DOL) records.
Should I request an attorney before I take the breath test?
Absolutely. Upon arrest for DUI, you should ask to speak with an attorney immediately or as soon as possible. Do not make any statements to the police. There is an attorney (public defender) on call for that purpose. The officer will help you get in touch with them.
How long does Washington State have to charge me on a DUI?
The Statute of Limitations is two (2) years in Seattle and Washington State. The Statute of Limitations is the time limit from the – date of arrest – for filing DUI or Physical Control charges
Can I do a Monthly Payment Plan for my DUI Attorney Fee?
Yes. Kotlowski Law Office PLLC offers very flexible down payments and monthly payment plans for your DUI attorney fee. Down payments may start as low as $1000.00. Ty pical monthly payments range from $200.00 to $500.00. See Online Case Evaluation or simply call and/or text 24 hours a day to (206) 335-2422 to schedule a free consultation with DUI attorney James Kotlowski. If not answered immediately, our office will return your text/call/and/or email as soon as we can.
Can I convert my mandatory EHM to Jail?
Yes. If you have been sentenced for a second or subsequent DUI and have mandatory minimum s on Electronic Home Monitoring (EHM) – you can ask the Court to have it converted to Jail time. The law allows a 15 days EHM: 1 day Jail conversion. Although completely at the discretion of the Court and Judge on whether to grant this request, it is commonly granted. Alot of clients just prefer the jail because of the time and cost of EHM.
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- PBT (portable breath test)
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- Mental Problems Deferred Prosecution
- 30-day DUI Probation Violations
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- DUI Probation Violation
- Snohomish County Jail
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